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AOB Process

AOB can offer an end-to-end solution from the initial preparation to the realization of construction projects. The value chain can be broken down for a complete building project as follows: 

Building Specifications

The building specifications include many of the conditions that the new building must meet.  These include the necessary floor space, air-conditioning, noise, lighting and other similar technical requirements.  Additional considerations include the function for which it will be used and the maximum cost constraints.  In order to define these conditions, an analysis of business processes, organizational structure, and a users’ inquiry must be conducted. In addition to the services provided directly by AOB Architects, AOB also maintains relationships with specialists and experts in other related fields to a provide expertise in these areas and offer a single point of contact.

In addition to the specific technical and financial aspects, AOB Architects also addresses the time-line of the construction project in this phase.  A good deal of forethought into the building specifications phase of a construction project is a cornerstone of a quality design.


Preliminary Examination

In order to assess the feasibility of the realization of a project, a preliminary examination must be conducted using the findings of the building specifications. This preliminary examination can cover among other things, the following aspects:

·        Purchase, lease, construction, alterations or extension of buildings.

·        Choice of site, acquisition of land. In this respect, depending on the nature of the new building, account must be taken of factors such as acquisition of personnel, energy requirements, noise inconvenience, garbage, and water disposal, soil conditions I (in relation to foundation costs), accessibility, building regulations.

·        Building methods.

·        Project organization.

·        Composition of project team.

·        System of tender

·        Financing, profitability, possibility of subsidies, tax aspects.



Preliminary Design

The preliminary design provides insight into the functional design, appearance, and estimated construction and establishment costs: AOB is in a position to carry out the following tasks:

The preliminary design must not only conform to the building specification but also must take into account regulations laid down by local authority offices at an early stage. Depending on the type and situation of the project, these may be:


Final Design

When the preliminary design has been approved, it will be further worked out into a definitive design where, among other things, the following will be laid down:


Preparation for Execution-Tender

When the final design has been approved, the plan will be prepared for approval by the building authorities. This consists of incorporating all the conditions, regulations, and descriptions outlined in the previous steps. After the specification is completed, it is given out for tender whereby one or more contractors, depending on the method of tender, make offers. The offers are compared with the budget made by AOB. If an offer is accepted, the work can be assigned.


Execution and Delivery:

During the execution of the project, the following work will be carried out by AOB:


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